When it is possible to buy a handbag worth a million rupees on the same street in which our homeless citizens sleep on the bare pavements, we know there’s something wrong. There’s something terribly wrong. One would begin to wonder how this could even be possible? But this is not only possible, this is commonplace in the land we are so adamant on calling ‘pure’. But why should we worry? The people who have access to the Internet and read opinion pieces in the English language? Hold on.
Do you remember the last time you encountered a VIP movement? Sometimes it is as subtle as a casual queue jump in the Passport office. In other instances, it is so apparent that entire roads are blocked and traffic is brought to a halt so that a citizen or a group of citizens can pass without any delay. It is during that moment when citizens like us who consider them selves a part of the ‘Bourgeoisie’ (Elite in simpler terms) have to taste a bitter pill. We argue with traffic wardens and curse the people responsible for infringing our basic rights of movement. It is ironic when we share a moment with the ‘Proletariat’ (Working Class). Imagine how it feels to live in that very moment for an entire lifespan.
It could not be that hard, could it? Considering the fact that traces of helplessness and abject poverty are evident everywhere the scope of our eye can reach. It is a common sight to see a group of laborers waiting impatiently to sell their services to any bidder who would have them. The people seated in cars and motorcycles casually pass through them as if this sight is the most natural sight they have ever seen without even realizing that they have the same moment when they are the victims of class disparity.
The power dynamics of Pakistan are such that they can only accommodate a limited amount of people. Why has the Local Bodies Ordinance not been implemented in any province? Why do we not see Union Councils influencing their locality? Why are MNAs and MPAs who are elected to legislate more interested in acting like godfathers in their constituency? Why do leaders of mainstream Leftist parties such as PPP, ANP drive Land Cruisers and live in expensive mansions? I do not know the answers to these questions, but I do realize that these are questions, which need to be asked.
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